My Departure From the Order of Canada
by Conrad Black
In response to the many good wishes I have received over my departure from the Order and Privy Council of Canada, I will, as I always do, reply to everyone who has contacted me by email -- but their numbers are such that it will take a while, and I ask for patience. I take it as an omen that for the first time, at any stage of this long and relentless persecution, I have not received a single negative message. Two important issues emerge from this controversy. It had been obvious for two years that the honours and awards staff that administers these matters were rabid in their ambition to remove me, and I publicly referred to their ambitions in this regard as "orgasmic." I learned long ago that honours do not make a man, any more than the withdrawal of honours unmakes one. It was obvious that no Canadian court would have even been seized of such spurious charges as I faced in the United States, and certainly no guilty verdicts would have been returned, and even the American system effectively pitched all the counts. But the grinding of the notorious Chicago court system managed to circumvent the U.S. Supreme Court. From their very first abrupt and officious communication, it was clear that the honours bureaucrats had deemed me to be a convicted criminal who merited not even the most basic courtesies or due process regarding my Order of Canada status. I quickly realized that these prancing figurines in the governor general's entourage who manipulate this honours system did not wish to be confused by the facts and were scandalized by the notion that anyone might seek a hearing on this matter, though the statute establishing the Order provides for one. After the Canadian courts decided that they could not impose a hearing, I wrote the following letter to the governor general of Canada, David Johnston, on December 18: Your Excellency: Whether I continued to hold these distinctions was not significant, but the process of Canada demeaning itself by robotic conformity to injustices inflicted in the United States (or any foreign country) on the holders of Canadian honours without any real review, is a matter of some general interest. If Canada's highest honours can be stripped away from someone because of processes that would not be acceptable in Canada, and thus validated in Canada without any due process or by qualified people-only by gnomish and nasty officials clinging like limpets to their own prejudices and piously declining to "relitigate," the consequences reflect poorly on Canadian sovereignty and credibility as a country. I do not believe that Canadians, if they thought about it, would accept that the unknowable, and in this case meticulously documented, caprices and irregularities of a foreign justice system at great variance with their own, should be able to determine without any due process or accountability the status of holders of Canadian honours, and especially not in a Molièresque parlour-room farce conducted by a poltroon styled as a herald chancellor. That brings up the other point that is significant: As readers can see from the letter reproduced above, I in fact resigned, but gave David Johnston the opportunity to do the right thing -- not accept the advice to withdraw my honours, which he was free to do -- if he wished. I correctly predicted that the bobble-headed worthies of the official snobocracy called the Advisory Board of the Order of Canada would nod the herald chancellor's sanctimonious misinformation on to Johnston. (I am confident none of them could give any explanation of my ostensible conviction except the malicious fantasies of the libel defendants who originally uttered them and whom I relieved of $5 million.) And I expected that he would be resistless against the tug of the strings attaching his articulating joints to the hands of the hovering officials. The Federal Court of Appeal had declined to require the hearing that may be requested, on the very grounds of the governor general's right to decline the recommendation. I had said I would retire if denied a hearing, and I did so, but in deference to the court and the governor general, I thought I should leave open the option for him to decline the juggernaut of rubber-stamps the herald chancellor would solicit and propel into his lap. As I wrote in my letter to him, I tried to wind the matter down, by forgoing an appeal or any lobbying by my supporters in the Order, and I invoked decades of casual but cordial acquaintance to ask Johnston to do what he thought best, but do it decorously. The herald chancellor himself called my counsel on the late afternoon of Friday afternoon, January 31, to be sure that he had my email address; to be sure, that is, that they expelled me before I confirmed my resignation (though I did not believe there was any need to confirm it). Government House issued a statement that was in fact, false, as I had already resigned; presumably to inflict as much irritation and affected consequentiality as possible. (The Privy Council issue, of which I had no notice whatever, was at least consistent, and was so insultingly communicated by Johnston's own email, and in the name of the prime minister, it was almost piquant.) The second issue raised is whether Canadians really want these functions exercised in this secretive, tortuous, dishonest way by such churlish people. My history of Canada will be published later this year. The sub-title is "The Rise of a Great Nation," and it is often a gripping and prideful tale, but I am afraid the country's institutions and the people who operate them have not entirely kept pace with what Canadians as a people have accomplished. This incident will pass quickly and Canadians will sort the process out. I am moving on; this has been an annoying sideshow, but I have won 99% of the battles and, as I told the trial judge, always try to take success like a gentleman and disappointment like a man. Though I would not accept these honours if they were offered under this regime, I will try to behave in a way that will cause fair-minded people to think I have earned them. And, not that too much weight should be attached to these either, I am content with the honours I already have from countries less obedient to the perversities of a half-demented, much-criticized Chicago judge than Canada is. For my opponents, no further argument on this subject from me will be useful, and for my friends, I trust none is necessary. Perhaps the most eloquent of the very large number of messages I have received was signed "Tim": "F-k 'em." Good thought, Tim, whoever you are, but my contempt for them is so profound and complete that I don't think they deserve even that sensation. This piece originally appeared in the National Post. Readers who want a copy of the letters that Henry Kissinger and Ronald Safer sent the chief justice may obtain them by emailing Conrad Black at [email protected] ALSO ON HUFFPOST:
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