With trepidation I will violate the advice of Napoleon (first) and in a civil context and slightly different words, the Duke of Wellington, not to disturb an opponent when he is busy making a mistake. Some early reviews of my just published Rise to Greatness, the History of Canada from the Vikings to the Present, have, predictably, tried to review me rather than the book. Given the febrile passion of the dimming number of my ancient foes, there were bound to be problems, no matter how unexceptionable my book's perspective. No one has disputed that it is a rigorous and substantiated promotion of a more flattering view of Canada and Canadians than has ever been advanced in any serious work of history before. The power of the message is almost deterring the parochial Flat Earth Society of my visceral opponents (whose antagonism, with a very few exceptions, I do not requite or usually even notice).
Those who have been troubled by mice or squirrels in the walls, basements or attics of their homes, would be familiar with the noise of busy little rodents that I now hear from English-Canada's small but strivingly hyperactive literary critical commune. In my last communication with the Literary Review of Canada, I wondered if there was a slightly run-down apartment block in an out-of-the-way part of Toronto, or even Ottawa, where unaccomplished people heavy-laden with bilious opinions fester unhappily and come snorting and gibbering out of the undergrowth to snap at contrary-minded writers, for a small fee. It is a tediously familiar process, though not one without its humorous aspects.
In my present case, the disconcertion of the assailants arises from a fear to dispute the message that dilutes the fervour of the impulse to slay the messenger. None will or can dispute my contention that Canada has become one of the world's important countries, and that it has become so not because of what one Globe and Mail writer daringly dismissed as "the usual bromides" of social services, virgin wilderness and virtuous population groups, but because of the attainments of its people and its leaders. As the weeks have passed and my book has been ransacked for targets to extract and demolish, the pickings have been slim.
Yes, Champlain, largely ignored by English Canadians, though not by Americans and French Canadians, was a great and inspiring figure. Yes, Carleton (Lord Dorchester), generally thought of as an ill-tempered and unrealistic Ulsterman, was a great, visionary, and racially tolerant governor who has been under-recognized. Baldwin and LaFontaine, familiar but unexciting figures of the distant colonial past, were indeed Cincinnatuses who sought only the transition of authority in domestic matters from British governors to elected legislators, co-operation between English- and French-speaking Canadians, and secular government, and retired as soon as they had achieved it all. John A. Macdonald really was a great statesman, even in the times of Palmerston, Lincoln, Bismarck, Disraeli, Gladstone and Salisbury.
No soft points anywhere here or thereafter, so the feverish burrowing and nibbling continues in mounting discouragement. Seriously absurd pretexts for taking issue with this book have surfaced: I was unacceptably dismissive of Mackenzie King's spirituality (I wasn't, though I did represent some manifestations of it as odd). I failed to recognize that if the Canadian first nations had not repulsed the Vikings, there would be 300 million people speaking Icelandic in North America today (I think not). I misrepresented Emperor Charles V's sack of Rome in 1527 (I didn't, but this incident, seven years before Jacques Cartier discovered Canada and called it "the land God gave to Cain," was not exactly seminal in Canadian history). I exaggerated the number of Canadians evacuated from Dunkirk in 1940, (perhaps, and I will check it, but if so, it doesn't threaten my basic contentions). I am even chastised by the scribe dragooned by my dear friends at the Toronto Star for brusquely pulling the rug of mediocrity and boredom from under the traditional presentation of Canadian history, and by a Globe and Mail writer for leaving to him the tab for the Spartan sandwich lunch to which the newspaper invited me: On both counts, guilty as charged, for once.
Where I suspect the critics may be preparing and loading siege cannon and bringing Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington's maxim to mind is on my treatment of the native people. I made it very clear that I admired their skill as craftsmen, artists, woodsmen, hunters, their physical prowess and that they have been treated shamefully, and that we must work much harder than we have to make amends. I gave appropriate attention to those native leaders who played prominent roles in Canadian history, such as General Brock's ally Tecumseh, the Shawnee leader, and John A. Macdonald's ally against Louis Riel, Crowfoot, the Blackfoot chief. But where my compulsive opponents are twitching at the temptations of bellicosity is in defence of the civilization of the native peoples at the time of the arrival of the Europeans in North America in the 16th and 17th Centuries.
Here I take leave of the Emperor and Iron Duke and advise my old adversaries: Don't do it. At the arrival of the Europeans, the original inhabitants of North America shared a Stone Age civilization; they had not discovered the wheel, had barely begun the cultivation of crops or the construction of even primitive permanent buildings, and devoted almost all their energies not required by hunting to constant and purposeless warfare featuring the torturing to gruesome death of women and children. Their talents were great and they were often impressive and handsome men and women. They have many just grievances that remain unredressed, but they were millennia in arrears of the civilizations of Europe and would have benefitted tremendously from progress, had that progress been introduced in a far less destructive way.
It is a fine thing that talented novelists such as Chateaubriand with his "beaux sauvages," James Fennimore Cooper (Last of the Mohicans and The Deerslayer), and some able contemporary writers, should romanticize these native societies; this is excellent literature. But it is fiction, and I am writing history. The CBC unearthed someone to claim on its website that I was motivated in my reflections on the native people by snobbery and economic condescension. If he wants to stop playing trick or treat and write that I am a racist, which is what he was implying, it will be my pleasure to sue him and the outlet he uses for his vitriol, for defamation, as I have successfully sued many others.
No element of mere controversy should retard the progress of Canada's recognition of the immense proportions of what this country has achieved these 400 years since Champlain founded Quebec. From a handful of Frenchmen and not many thousands of natives, to one of the 10 or 11 most important of the world's nearly 200 states; one of the most prosperous, peaceful, and tolerant countries on Earth; the only trans-continental, officially bicultural, parliamentary confederations in the history of the world. Canada has endured the death of fewer than 200 people in civil strife in its autonomous history, and has only participated in four wars in that time - all just and all victorious.
Canada is a country of great accomplishment and infinite prospects. Let us celebrate that and how, by the solidity of our people and the high quality of many of our leaders, we got here. Back-biting can be left to other days and less distinguished issues. But if you can't resist and want to engage over the bucolic glories of the first nations when the white men arrived, be my guests, but have no illusions about the figurative scalping that awaits you.
National Post
© 2025 Conrad Black