America's Aimless 'Accusatocracy'
by Conrad Black
Everyone knows that the entire Christine Blasey Ford challenge to Judge Brett Kavanaugh is nonsense. Her identified witnesses have deserted her. She can't remember any precise material fact about it except the identity of the alleged drunken assailant. She was silent for 30 years and then gave a garbled account to a marriage counselor, which differs materially from what she later said publicly. Ford is a political activist of the Left and an ostentatious critic of the current administration—her perfect right, but coupled with the many implausible aspects of the timing of this challenge and the unreasonable belligerence of Ford's counsel, it raises questions about motive. Her account is likely largely or even wholly untrue, as it applies to Kavanaugh, but not necessarily intentionally so. The Democrats sat on this one, as they did the Billy Bush tape two years ago, waiting for the optimal moment to spring it. Ford's supporters believe her unquestioningly because she is a woman, a Democrat (and implicitly, a Trump-hater), and the devil take Judge Kavanaugh's right to a fair hearing and the continuation of his reputation as a decent, civilized, public-spirited, and irreproachable husband, father, and appellate court judge, which even the Democratic senators on the judiciary committee conceded until last week. Since the emergence of this sketchy allegation, the administration and the Republican senators have to give Dr. Ford a reasonable hearing, or a large block of reasonable but torqued-up women voters could be alienated and the last remnants of the NeverTrumpers might peel off and the confirmation vote could be jeopardized. Up to now, Senators Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), and Susan Collins (R-Maine) have liked Kavanaugh more than they dislike Trump. Flake and Corker are doing the prudent thing, given their polling numbers, as well as the decent thing, and retiring. As they have no reason to think they are about to die, they are unlikely to use their last important Senate vote as John McCain did with the failed Obamacare repeal, as a way to kick their own party in the groin. Collins seems to be glued to the Capitol and may outlast everyone now there, including the statuary. To maintain the fragile loyalty of these nominal Republicans, Ford must be treated with greater deference than her erratic conduct and her lawyer's impertinences would normally merit. Beyond the Senate vote, the administration and the Republican leadership have to judge when they have gone far enough to accommodate the outrageous menu of Ford conditions for testifying, until the silent majority comes to its senses and rediscovers its voice. At that point, there will be a discernible majority that is satisfied that Ford is not being shabbily treated, ignored, or bullied; that accusations, to have any consequences, must be reasonably advanced and not dangled and jiggled as they have been as in primitive children's amusements in honky-tonk games of deception; that the judge deserves the presumption of innocence, and that the merit of the contesting stories must be determined on the standard civil law basis of the balance of probabilities. After presumably scratching around desperately to find a co-accuser and start a wave of long-withheld grievances against this Brett the Ripper, the best the president's enemies could do was a very feeble tale from one Deborah Ramirez, who went to Yale at the same time as Kavanaugh, whose gambit began unpromisingly: "I remember there being a penis in front of my face." It didn't get better and ended with her accidentally touching said apparition. All were allegedly drunk, no corroboration. Ford's saga is lapidary in its comparative solidity. Even the New York Times would not publish this clunker, but no anti-Trump garbage is too rancid for The New Yorker, and out came this fable of drunken derring-do from 34 years ago, excavated from the canyons of Ramirez's long-silent memory. Kavanaugh denies it. That this tawdry smear campaign might be spared nothing, there lurched out of the darkness the depressingly familiar figure of Michael Avenatti, former political operative for Chicago's failed mayor and Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, a personal and professional bankrupt and accused tax cheat, and self-nominated counsel to Stormy Daniels. He says he has at least one more complainant against Judge Kavanaugh. These latest circus acts will cheapen and coarsen the sordid "Stop Kavanaugh" movement—Avenatti is too egregious even for the anti-Trump television networks, as Ramirez is too implausible for the New York Times. The Democrats produced this long-withheld rabbit punch, presumably to have a final try at sandbagging a proposed judicial appointment that they could not weaken in the slightest degree during the hearings, where the Democrats disgraced themselves by inciting obscene interruptions and strutting and preening like amateurs rehearsing a Sunday school morality play. But more importantly, either premeditatedly or spontaneously after they had enflamed the whole #MeToo terror and emasculation apparatus, they saw an opportunity to bag millions of independent or wavering female voters in the midterm elections, with this sudden recourse to orchestrated hysteria. So far, contrary to his enemies' caricature of him as a compulsively and mindlessly aggressive blowhard and hip-shooting bully, the president has played his cards wisely. The allegations must be heard and fairly judged, and he sticks with his candidate, who deserves to be believed unless there is a reason to disbelieve him. Senators McConnell and Grassley, the majority leader and Judiciary Committee chairman, have been diplomatic and consistent, unflapped but conciliatory. The burning question is how much time will be required for the sensible majority to be repulsed by the Democratic senators' escalating Red Queen antics: Richard Blumenthal's presumption of guilt because the allegation was made by a woman, Kirsten Gillibrand's assertion of Ford's truthfulness simply because she made the allegation, and Mazie Hirono's demand that all American men maintain silence while Kavanaugh is crucified by a deranged ultra-feminist man-hating lynch mob. (Perhaps there are sinister customs in the jungles of the nether islands of Hawaii, Hirono's state, that were unsuspected until now.) There is no question that the majority of Americans, when they see this issue plainly, will be disgusted at these Democratic hypocrites advocating the totalitarian rape of the entire system of Anglo-Saxon justice and due process since Magna Carta 703 years ago. It is possible, given the usual rabid chorus from the robotic national political media that this process of allowing sanity to prevail could take a week or two, though I doubt it, and make it late to get this judge confirmed before the Congress has to disperse for the election, including five to eight very close Senate races. I think there will be a clear mandate from a united Republican Senate delegation to confirm Kavanaugh after the hearings Thursday. I doubt if even the Blumenthal-Gillibrand-Hirono- axis can continue militating once the Ramirez bibulous miracle and the Avenatti mystery victim take a tour. Those senators know no shame, but may recognize it when they see it. On a worst case, the Republicans should leave the issue unresolved, let the Democrats wear this foolishness and dishonesty all the way to November, and confirm Kavanaugh either immediately after the election or after the new senators are installed in January. The Supreme Court went a whole year with a vacancy after the death of Justice Scalia, filled by Justice Gorsuch; a few months with eight judges won't be a serious problem. But, in their febrile partisanship, the Democrats have handed the Republicans a weapon with which they can kill the Democrats. This campaign against Kavanaugh has been the sleaziest trick since the Steele dossier, and the infelicitous mélange of cynicism, bigotry, inchoate rage, and vacuity of the Democratic point people on this issue are too good to allow them an escape based on pushing Kavanaugh across ahead of public opinion. And in the meantime, the long-awaited disintegration of the politicized and profoundly corrupt Obama Justice Department is descending like an avalanche gathering steam as attorney general Rosenstein prepares to explain why he was contemplating miking up and speaking of the 25th Amendment. The amazing spectacle will reach a climax soon on the entire Democratic and media accusatocracy. If more time is required to solidify public opinion against this regime of malicious or delusional denunciation, which could disqualify anybody from holding any position, let the Democrats hang themselves. For those who like a spectacle, it just keeps getting better. Those who want dignified government are an oppressed minority. Perhaps Gloria Allred and Michael Avenatti will take up their cause next. © 2025 Conrad Black ![]() |
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