Looters and rioters are a threat to civilization
by Conrad Black https://www.conradmblack.com/760/looters-and-rioters-are-a-threat-to-civilization No-fault, inexplicable, equal-opportunity rioting, demonstration and miscellaneous commotion seem to have become the norm in many advanced Western nations. In the recent riots in the U.K., the ostensible cause was the unintended death of a police suspect during his arrest. Once the disturbances began, however, they were joined by the idle, destructive detritus of Britain — black, brown, and white all happily co-existing and twittering one another about the movements of the police, who were tardily under-deployed, with pusillanimous rules of engagement. This enabled rioters not only to break into stores, but to try out clothes and shoes to make sure they were the right sizes before they stole them. On one main street of a working-class suburb of London, the only one of scores of commercial sites on both sides of the street that was not looted was a Waterstone's book store. The intruders, apparently, had no interest in books. The only public disturbances that motivated police actually find difficult to stop are those of desperate people who will continually risk death in their hatred of the regime, like the brave Syrians who have been killed by the hundred every week, and still fight on. They cannot be far from victory. Insofar as Western precedents go, there was at least a heartfelt grievance behind much of the disorder in Belfast this year. And the same is true of many of the racial disturbances that have plagued great American cities for decades. On the other hand, there was far less excuse for the anti-globalization rioters who demolished the McDonald's restaurant in Davos, Switzerland, every year during the World Economic Forum, smashed up Starbucks and other places in Seattle during the 1999 WTO Ministerial conference, and, most recently, staged (relatively minor) disruptions at the G20 meeting in Toronto. There is a veneer of plausibility to complaints about free trade and international banking, but most of it is just a pretext for yobs and riffraff, like Old World football hooligans, to vandalize for the fun of it. The recent British mobs and the so-called hockey rioters in Vancouver are just morally impoverished malcontents taking an opportunity to exploit the altruism and indulgence of decent societies. The same is true of the rioters in Paris and Athens — who are objecting to rather modest efforts by the governments in those places to take a minimal first step toward the avoidance of bankruptcy, a fate that would inflict a good deal more and deeper hardship than the claimed cause of the disturbances. The chief recent Canadian entry in this era of pointless demonstrativeness, though it is entirely at the silly end of the spectrum, was Canada's own Johnny Marbles, the anarchist who tried to throw a pie in Rupert Murdoch's face at the meeting of a British Parliamentary inquiry earlier this summer. Antagonism to Murdoch is understandable, but this was not a sane response. (The star of the occasion, as many others have commented, was Murdoch's nimble young wife Wendy, who intercepted the pie in mid-flight like an anti-missile missile and directed it back on to Mr. Marbles.) Of course, society has always been burdened by louts and unreasonable malcontents, but they have proliferated because of the Western habit of providing a guaranteed income to everyone through the welfare system. This, to many, incentivizes idleness, which, in the case of ignorant people, often leads to violence, as a reaction to unbroken indolence. The problem was severely aggravated in all Western countries by the erosion of families and the schools. And in the United States, the Great Society welfare programs of president Lyndon Johnson inadvertently rewarded welfare addiction and single motherhood. The rate of illegitimacy among African-American children has risen from 23% in 1965 to 72% today; and among American whites from 7% to 29% (though, certainly, a minority of both groups are unmarried couples who do provide a stable environment for their children). The numbers are less dismal in Canada and even in Britain, countries that have not had to grapple with the aftermath of domestic slavery; but the trend is the same throughout the West. Even more perplexing is the so-called "Tentifada" in Israel. Hundreds of thousands of people have camped out in public places to protest what are claimed to be the advantages conferred on communities of Orthodox Jews and settlers, and the renunciation of the country's socialist traditions. Despite still being technically at war with Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Syrians (distracted as they now are with the infirmities of their own regime), Israel is steadily putting up high economic growth rates, and has a higher standard of living than several EU countries. This is a remarkable success by a country born in the aftermath of unspeakable genocidist massacres in Europe, founded with the utmost difficulty in a desert, and in the teeth of the armed hostility of scores of millions of Arab neighbours. Yet now we have the ludicrous spectacle of the Israeli urban lower-middle classes noisily prosecuting an incongruous mélange of complaints, from the political and economic over-indulgence of the aforementioned special-interest communities (not unfounded grievances) to a sentimental idealization of the time when most Israelis lived communally in kibbutzes, driving ploughs with rifles slung over their backs. These are not violent demonstrations. But Israelis can vote, and that would be a better way to express complaints than through the destabilization of their democracy in this manner. This trend toward rioting and mob political movements will lead to cavernous problems if is not arrested. We can take inspiration from Japan, where almost none of any of this occurs. To strengthen societies and eliminate the anything-goes sense of entitlement that has led to the current political climate of violence and street theatre, Western nations should incentivize stable families through taxes and benefits (whether the parents are actually married or not); require reasonable standards of performance from school teachers even if it means decertifying their unions; put the able-bodied chronic unemployed to work in conservation and infrastructure projects at below the minimum wage (with income supplements if necessary); and devise a uniform, staged series of police responses to disorders that include the incapacitation of social networks used to co-ordinate violence. Police should not be shy to escalate to rubber bullets and fire-hoses, and then to rubber truncheons and tear gas, and in extreme cases (of which there would be very few) gunfire directed at provable chief offenders. Ultimately, these oafs and their ringleaders will endanger our entire civilization — but only if we allow them to do so. © 2025 Conrad Black |
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