It's not Washington that makes America great
by Conrad Black Recent polls indicate that Canadians now tend to pity the United States. This is an unjustifiable attitude. When the United States was wracked by racial and anti-war disturbances in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the U.S. certainly deserved sympathy. But not now. For most of its history, Canada distinguished itself from the United States by the British connection, the French fact and dissent from what it generally perceived as American garishness, braggadocio, social Darwinism and systematic mistreatment of non-whites. Yet when the world was under threat from totalitarian aggressors, American strength and proximity, and its swashbuckling national personality, were a source of gratitude and even inspiration to Canadians. The almost vertical rise of the United States from its tenuous independence in 1783 to its emergence as the world's preeminent country just two full lifetimes later in 1945 has no parallel or precedent in the history of the world. And in the succeeding Cold War, the brilliant American containment policy faithfully executed by 10 consecutive presidents produced the greatest, most bloodless, strategic victory in the history of the nation-state. America's allies, including Canada, were happy enough to serve in the Western Alliance, even when, as Pierre Trudeau did, contesting President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative and other policies that brought down the Iron Curtain. The triumph of democracy, which at the end of World War II was scarcely more widespread than it had been at the end of the American Revolutionary War, is America's greatest and most selfless gift to the world. True, the era of unipolar American world leadership since the fall of the Berlin Wall has essentially been a failure, but that still does not justify an attitude of pity. Admittedly, American democracy isn't doing very well at home — with frequently corrupt election and lobbying practices, and a rogue prosecution service. But American exceptionalism isn't based on the presumed superiority of American democracy; but rather on the astounding economic and popular cultural scale of the country, and on its great aptitude for propaganda, showmanship and the spectacle, including the violent spectacle. From Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and Thomas Paine's polemics, through all the lore of the Civil War and the murders of the Kennedys, Martin Luther King and Harvey Milk, the American star system has rationalized violence as heroism, and has made mediocrities noteworthy, the good great, and the great deities. The focused might of America and its genius for self-promotion, are uplifting to a point. Canadians, who have seen better than most nationalities the up-close limitations of the great American mythos, have also, because of the same continental intimacy and addiction to American entertainment, been relatively unintimidated by them. Canadians should be celebrating their accelerating liberation from their tenacious complex about not being Americans in more seemly and rigorous attitudes than condescending sympathy. Canada's growth and development has been parallel, but comparatively modest in scale and fame, to that of the United States — not just for demographic reasons, but because of the conservative temperament of Canadians. And it has been less important as America rose, in Mr. Churchill's phrase, to "the rescue and the liberation of the Old World." Canada has been the beneficiary, in "peace, order, and good government," of the cautious and placid public policy process that has undervalued Canadian prudence and virtue with precisely the absence of hype and pantheonization that has been the strength, as well as the moral vulnerability of America from its earliest days. From Jefferson, the slave-holding miscegenationist who admired the French Terror and ended almost in bankruptcy, to Donald Trump (a loyal friend to me, and a generous man whose masquerade as a poltroon is a commercially successful pose, like Muhammad Ali's pretense to being a loudmouth) is a straight line in American techniques of self-promotion. The failure of the American political, financial, academic and commentariat elites to see the madness of decades of chronic over-spending and consumption, of outsourcing scores of millions of manufacturing jobs while admitting up to 20-million unskilled aliens; of borrowing trillions of dollars from China and Japan to buy trillions of dollars of goods from China and Japan that it formerly made for itself, and inundating the world with worthless real-estate-backed debt that Wall Street had certified as investment grade, was contemptible and astonishing, but not pitiable. Pierre Trudeau, among his many bad foreign policy brainwaves, tried to reduce Canadian dependence on U.S. trade from its level of 44% of Canada's GDP. As the United States gropes and stumbles until some serious leadership puts the country on a new economic course, the share of American trade in Canadian GDP is sinking below 35%, as Canada amicably disengages itself from the formerly overwhelming American contiguity. The appropriate Canadian attitude now is continuing but not unlimited respect for its sui generis neighbour, and increased, discreet, confidence in itself. © 2025 Conrad Black |
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