Canada's run of good governance
by Conrad Black A reader recently complained in the Manchester Evening News that in filling out his tax form, and responding to the question: "Do you have any dependents?," he was informed that this reply was judged unacceptable: "Yes: 2.1 million illegal immigrants, 1.1 million crackheads, 4.4 million unemployable scroungers, 900,000 criminals, plus 650 idiots in Parliament and the whole of the European Commission." The taxpayer plaintively asked: "So who the hell did I miss out?" For an American taxpayer, the answer, in the same spirit, to the same question would contain much larger numbers (if the state legislators are added to the parliamentarians, as the United States, unlike the U.K., is not a unitary state). This may put us in mind of how comparatively well-governed and well-functioning Canada is — a useful jog of mind, as it is easy to forget when watching the inanities of parliamentary debate, and there were two fine examples of good government recently, one foreign and one domestic. The Canadian government's shuttering of the embassy in Iran was an act of outstanding leadership, the more so because of its contrast with the hapless ambiguities of the current U.S. administration's "engagement" with Iran, which chiefly translated itself as turning a blind eye to a brutally stolen election and the desertion of the Iranian forces of democracy; a demeaning and deceptive minuet over Iranian nuclear weapons designed to anaesthetize Israel during the U.S. election campaign while maintaining the notional possibility that the U.S. might actually do something; and the imposition of sanctions much less severe than the Congress unanimously called for. Last week's action is in full and bracing conformity to the Harper government's policy of being the first country to suspend aid to the Palestinian Authority after the electoral victory of Hamas (in response to President George W. Bush's energetic championship of free elections everywhere no matter where the chips and allies fell); of declining to join the call for an immediate ceasefire in the Israeli attack on Hezbollah, which the Harper government rightly considered to have been provoked by Hezbollah; in boycotting the Durban II Conference on racism (where Canada, surely one of the world's most racially tolerant countries, was accused of racism for failure to engage in that practice opposite the Jewish state); and for blocking the proposed G-8 summit statement this year calling for a return to the 1967 borders in Israel and Palestine. (This is one of the most imperishable canards in this entire, ghastly congeries of problems and ancient antagonisms in the Middle East: The Arab powers initiated the 1967 War and lost the 1967 War, and now demand a return to the status quo ante bellum as if the status of aggressor and defender and victor and defeated were interchangeable, and without a hint that such a move would bring a durable peace. It wouldn't; it would just make the immovable Arab goal of the destruction of Israel easier.) The Canadian government's move last week was also a logical step for a country whose defence minister (Peter MacKay) told the Israelis in 2011 that "an attack on Israel will be considered an attack on Canada itself," and whose foreign minister, John Baird, told the Herzliya Conference in Israel earlier this year that Canada was "not standing behind Israel, but is shoulder-to-shoulder beside it." This policy does not commit Canada to uncritical support of Israel, and the Israelis have not always played their cards well, or even without duplicity, but Israel has an unquestionably legitimate right to exist as a Jewish state, and is a civilized democracy that has made an immense success of an unpromising patch of land where Jews have lived for 5,700 years uninterruptedly. The Arabs have their grievances, and some of them Israel will have to address, but not by yielding one scintilla of its right to exist as a Jewish state. This is a new departure in Canadian foreign policy; always before, Canada has either plugged manfully along in the wake of first the British and then the Americans in all significant foreign policy matters, and then dissented only in areas that were coincidentally popular with the international non-communist left. Thus, Lester Pearson asked for a Vietnam bombing pause (a fatuous idea unless the United States was prepared simply to abandon the Vietnam effort altogether), while addressing an obscure Pennsylvania university convocation; Pierre Trudeau facilitated Castro's participation ("Papa Castro" to the latest candidate for the federal Liberal leadership) in the Angolan Civil War, and opposed Reagan's anti-missile defence system (which led directly to the satisfactory end of the Cold War); and Jean Chrétien abstained from the Iraq War. In effect, Canada went from being a lock-step ally of the United States, upon which it completely depended for its defence, to a local version of "soft power," a concept devised by Clinton national security adviser Joe Nye to mean using less coercive, rather than more coercive, means of suasion. Canada did this one better: Since it possessed no coercive means, it proclaimed their absence, under Chrétien, to be the conscientious choice of a non-coercive option. Every chancellery in the world recognized it as the rubbish that it was. Peacekeeping had long been proclaimed by Canada to be its vocation in the world, though eventually the regrettable misconduct of some peacekeepers in Somalia, the farce of the blue-helmeted UN forces in Bosnia and the exposure of much of the United Nations peacekeeping effort as just the rental by poor countries of armed forces paid for through the United Nations to the armed factions they were supposedly calming and conciliating, took the bloom off that rose. This supposed national Canadian vocation began in the midst of the Suez Crisis in 1956, when the American ambassador to the world organization, Henry Cabot Lodge, devised the face-saving notion for the British and French of international peacekeepers, and sold it in the corridors of the UN headquarters to then External Affairs minister Pearson because Lodge thought a Canadian initiative less likely to attract the skepticism and possibly the veto of the Soviet Union. Thus was Canada's next international vocation born. If memory serves, the last time Canada broke diplomatic relations with any country, other than as part of a general Western movement in the same direction, was in March 1968, when it briefly severed ties with Gabon because that country, at the behest of France, invited Quebec and not Canada to an international conference of French-speaking countries. This was a genuine brain-wave of Allan Gotlieb's shortly before his very successful tour as ambassador in Washington, in the last days of the Pearson government, and served its purpose as a shot across the bow of France. But Gabon was not a geopolitically significant country. Breaking diplomatic relations with Iran is a much more serious matter, and is based on issues not of protocol in the francophone world, but of great significance to the whole world: the exportation of terror, the shredding of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and threats to the existence of Israel and to the lives of all of its citizens. For the very first time, Canada, on its own, is doing something that both is right and could make a difference in the world. In domestic matters, there were increasing signs last week of labour union agitation over the progress of the private member's bill C-377 advanced by Russell Hiebert, Conservative MP for South Surrey-White Rock-Cloverdale, that will force disclosure of union funding for political activities. Some union members are being fined by their union if they do not appear at meetings to protest and obstruct Bill C-377. Canadian unions collect about $4.5-billion in annual dues, largely because of the iniquitous and over-celebrated Rand Formula that allows unions to deduct dues from non-members (i.e., they get money from everyone and bargain for everyone even if only 50.1% are members). Union political contributions are large, undisclosed and follow the whims of the union executive without consultation with the membership, much less the dues-payers as a whole. Prime Minister Harper personally voted for C-377 and Russ Hiebert's progress as an enterprising social conservative legislator, and his increasing electoral pluralities, vindicate the parachuting of him by the party leadership into his candidacy in 2004. When you have peace, you don't need peacekeepers; when you have war, you don't need peacekeepers; and when there is full statutory protection of employees' rights, unions are superfluous and often retrograde. Canadian governance has had a good run lately. As Winston Churchill said (after renaming, more resonantly, a class of minesweepers under construction): "It is in small as in great matters that administrations distinguish themselves." © 2025 Conrad Black |
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