Clearing the Quebec air
by Conrad Black Contrasts can be made with the Lesage and Lévesque and even Parizeau and Bouchard governments and the leadership by an "équipe du tonnerre de grosse batteries" ("a thunderous team of heavy artillery") that they modestly claimed for their serried ranks of ministerial celebrities, with the new, tentative and chronically minority Parti Québécois government that has squeaked into office. Jean Lesage was a Liberal and a former federal Liberal cabinet member. He was always a federalist, but allowed the separatists to undermine and force the pace of his government. Following the defeat of the Quiet Revolution by long-serving Union Nationale premier Maurice Duplessis' most assiduous disciple, Daniel Johnson, in 1966, the nationalist leader of Lesage's Team of Thunder, René Lévesque — stripped of his official car and other perquisites — discovered that he wasn't a Liberal after all and set up the Parti Québécois in 1967. He led it to victory in 1976. Duplessis and Johnson had artfully persuaded Quebec's nationalists and conservatives to vote together, and Levesque shattered that conjunction; the nationalist torch passed to the left where it remains. The Quebec nationalists acted from a volatile combination of fear that French was endangered in Quebec and a gamecock confidence of its robustness and of the pallid enfeeblement of English Canada as, in effect, a bit of scaffolding erected around Quebec by the Anglo-Saxon powers (Britain and America), to anaesthetize the otherwise throbbingly creative and inexorable soul, heart and genius, of Quebec. This was an unusually nauseating fable. Lévesque brought forth the first independence referendum in 1980, authorizing the negotiation of sovereignty and association — i.e., the consumption and retention of the whole cake: the benefits and payoffs of Confederation with the excitement and self-importance of independence. Federal prime minister Pierre Trudeau didn't debunk Lévesque's fake formula, but made it clear he would not negotiate anything of the kind. The federalists produced a 60-40 no vote on the question, approximately an equal break among the 80% of Québécois who are French-speaking. The Trudeau and, after 1984, Mulroney governments transferred large amounts of money from Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario to Quebec in both institutionalized transfer payments and outright discretionary investments that were designed to demonstrate the value of federalism to Quebec. All the while, good faith discussions plodded endlessly on over redistribution of powers between the federal and provincial powers. It was a charade, as Quebec was never aiming at a negotiated settlement, just pre-emptive concessions that would get it closer to independence. The other provinces always spoke unctuously of preserving Canada, but as soon as any concession was made to Quebec, they appeared in the line like a row of Oliver Twists with their begging bowls demanding equal treatment. And always, the conferences would end with everyone vacuously singing O Canada. Both the Trudeau and Mulroney governments declined to reveal the extent of the money transfers to Quebec through the complex of programs that tangibly assisted that province's appreciation of the virtues of federalism, as they did not wish to seem to "put a price on federalism." But in fact they were concerned about a backlash from the West, and this allowed Lévesque and Parizeau to trumpet the innumerate canard that federalism was financially raping Quebec. In fact, the transfers were large and addictive, and the good faith discussions were real. Eventually the haut bourgeois Quebec fonctionnarist clerisy settled into their Citroen DS's with aides fitting camel-hair overcoats over the shoulders of their ministers as they eased into the back seats, and were conveyed — M. Duplessis' fleur-de-lys flags fluttering on each proud right front fender — for three martini lunches in five-star restaurants to assure as much sovereignty as they could pretend to exercise while admitting as little association as was necessary to pay for this Molieresque imposture. Thus did Canadian federalism work, while other regions outstripped Quebec and diminished its influence in Canada. The chief strategist of independence, Claude Morin, was revealed as a federalist spy; the Quebec Liberals came back to promise a "uniquely French and sovereign Quebec in a Canadian Common Market"; and the Mulroney government made a supreme effort, within a party that spanned from western rednecks to Quebec sovereigntists, to introduce enough federalization and power-sharing to create constitutional stability. It will long be debated whether Meech Lake was a solution — bringing Quebec in where Trudeau had excluded it in the repatriation formula of 1981 — or whether it would have served to bring Quebec nationalists closer to their goal of rending the country. My own view is that it was not a solution, but would have sharply reduced tensions while making government even more complicated. But Meech Lake and Brian Mulroney should never have been assaulted by acidulous partisan myth-makers such as the formerly reputable Liberal historian Michael Bliss. After Meech narrowly faltered, Quebec again tired of this flimflam and Parizeau came back for a second try at independence. The referendum, in 1995, had the slogan "Oui" with the "O" a Canadian $1 coin. Canadian passports and Commonwealth membership would be retained, but this time, at least, it was a vote to authorize the negotiation of independence. Jean Chrétien was the federal prime minister and he assumed a landslide, until Lucien Bouchard took charge of the Yes campaign. Chrétien panicked, and in a pathetic wail of appeal to a national audience, called on Québécois to think of what a fine country Canada was before "going to vote to break it up." The No side prevailed by 1%, and Chrétien, recovering his composure, eventually produced his petition to the Supreme Court to determine the basis on which provincial secession would be legal, and presented the Clarity Act that followed, entrenching that decision — a clear question approved by a clear majority. The Quebec government took the position (as the federal NDP does now) that all that was needed was a vote of 50% plus one among Québécois voting for the province to be able to depart Canada, effectively not assuming any share of the federal debt and taking over all federal government assets in Quebec at no cost. The province's government has condemned virtually as treason, and without effect, the democratic decisions of about 40 different municipalities that in the event of a majority secessionist vote, they would secede from Quebec and remain in Canada. Chrétien and other federalists, when taxed, have waffled about democracy and taken refuge in Supreme Court language. Chrétien's constitutional minister, the much disparaged but very capable Stéphane Dion, has held his own in learned exchanges throughout the French-speaking world, tossing back and forth inadequate secessionist majorities from St. Kitts and Nevis to Baltic and Balkan countries. Internationally, it is unsettled law and the problem has been aggravated by the propensity of most English-speaking Quebeckers to waffle and appease and run like Olympic sprinters from any imputation of being less than enthused for Quebec to do what its majority wishes, even as the Quebec nationalists continually squeeze the non-French to try to force them out and strengthen their referendary voting position, and assuage their own shame at accepting a bribe in transfer payments to settle for only the trappings of sovereignty. The Supreme Court was gulled by claims of French endangerment to tolerate legislation of "predominant French" language on commercial signs. French is not under threat at all; all that is under threat is the ability of the Quebec linguistic bigots to dictate provincial policy. Most immigration to Quebec is North African and Haitian and is not anti-English. What is needed now is an omnibus clearing of the air. Any province that votes by 60% or more to secede can do so, provided that any federal voting constituency that votes by 60% or more not to secede will remain in Canada, and referenda cannot be more frequent than every 10 years. Any seceding province will assume half the percentage of the Canadian federal debt that the seceding province has as a population of Canada's (pre-secession) population. If necessary, joint censuses will establish these figures. Any federal government assets in the seceding province will be paid for, if the seceding province wants them, over 10 years, at a price agreed by joint commissions, with a casting vote, if necessary, from the International Court of Arbitration. If the province doesn't want those federal assets, the federal government may sell or keep them as it wishes. All normal intergovernmental matters, such as ease of passage, trade and so forth, will be negotiated de novo, as between sovereign states, but existing contracts not abrogated automatically by the dissolution of the federal relationship, will continue. Such measures as these should be enacted by Canada as a whole and it should be understood that in the event of violations, resolution could be by armed force. There should be no doubt of retention of the required level of force by the federal state to enforce such a policy. It won't happen. But the maxim that the surest guaranty of peace is preparedness for war applies equally to civil as to foreign conflicts. © 2025 Conrad Black |
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