Considering the next Nexen
by Conrad Black The federal government's new guidelines on foreign acquisitions of Canadian companies are commendable, as far as they go. They require investment reciprocity on the part of the nation of the company seeking to acquire Canadian assets, and mandate special scrutiny in cases involving our natural resources — especially the oil sands. Stephen Harper was accurate in saying that it was not sensible to have privatized PetroCanada, while indulging unlimited acquisitions of other petroleum assets in this country by interests controlled by foreign governments. On the other hand, the strategic value of our oil sands might not prove to be as significant as some expect. New oil and gas technologies already have served to reduced U.S. oil imports from 60% to 45% of that country's requirements. And that trend now seems likely to continue until the U.S. retrieves its status of energy self-sufficiency that started to slip away in the Eisenhower era. This cannot fail to reduce international oil prices, which may slip back down to $50 a barrel. Given this, sales of oil sands assets and companies at prices tied to current oil prices look advantageous to the seller. This appears to have been the case with the Nexen acquisition, just approved by the federal government. Moreover, given that when the oils sands are included, Canada has oil reserves as great as Saudi Arabia's, the wholesale sell-off of the country's oil heritage is an extremely remote prospect. Even if arrangements approved now become strategically disadvantageous later, they can be reversed, and any asset in this country can be taken back by Canada. Certainly, Canada would never follow the example of Cuba, and seize foreign assets without compensation. But there is no reason why it could not follow the example of Mexico in the 1930s and take over oil or other natural resources assets owned by foreign interests for what would then be considered reasonable compensation. This is what Quebec did with much of its hydro-electric industry, in stages, under premiers Duplessis, Godbout and Lesage, in 1937, 1944 and 1962. Ottawa should not be in the business of choosing industrial winners, or likely fluctuations in the value of natural resources and raw materials. But only the government of Canada has the right and duty to determine and pursue the national interest. What is required in this, as in so many other policy areas, is some original thinking; and, in ideological terms, a middle ground between the often over-defended traditional positions of both rampant free marketeers and knee-jerk socialists. Where the creation of new infrastructure is concerned (whether in the oil sands or elsewhere), the federal government should regain the spirit of Clarence Decatur Howe, the minister, at various times, of transport, for mobilization of resources for the war, for decontrol and post-war reconstruction, and of trade and commerce. Mr. Howe knew how to incite private-sector interest in projects that the public sector sought to accomplish in the national interest, such as the Trans-Canada pipeline. I have written here before that Canada should have a serious aerospace industry that includes a military aspect, and a proprietary, as opposed to merely a branch-plant, automobile industry. A first-rank country requires no less, as well as the academic, research and financial institutions to support a steady but not over-hastily ambitious rise of Canada in the councils of the world. Canada is a treasure house of base metals, precious metals, energy, forests and agriculture, and has a skilled and law-abiding population. The dissentient antics of overwrought regionalists, such as the current minority government of Quebec, are no more than a distracting squeak in the background to what is now virtually national predestination to some level of enhanced Canadian world significance. The national interest of such a well-endowed country requires that foreign investment be encouraged from reciprocating countries, as the federal government has determined in the Nexen case, and that the patrimony of Canada be preserved for the benefit and enrichment and increasing geopolitical influence of the country. It is in light of these criteria that the country's policy must be determined. Especially now that the private sector of the country has become so diverse and innovative, and vastly transcends the establishment that Peter Newman fairly accurately limned in his books about it only 30 and 35 years ago, informal arrangements and case-by-case public-private sector co-operation would be easy to arrange and to conduct so as to avoid charges of patronage and favouritism. The Prime Minister clearly considered the issues posed by the Nexen bid carefully, and he enunciated useful criteria, and must have come to the correct decision (to allow it to proceed) by both immediate and longer term views of the national interest. Now he and his colleagues should go further. There will be cases when the shareholders of an enterprise receive an offer from foreign interests that is in the interests of the shareholders but not of Canada. On such occasions, the federal government, and even in extreme cases provincial governments, must be ready to keep the shareholders whole, allow them to enjoy the capital gains their astuteness as investors have earned them, and take the place of foreigners as buyers. The stock can be distributed to the Canadian private sector later. In these circumstances, most foreign buyers would prove to be happy to partner with Canadian jurisdictions, however their avarice might propel then to claim otherwise. The dust is settling satisfactorily on Nexen. But nothing that will happen should remind anyone of the heavy-handed plodding of the Foreign Investment Review Agency; nor of the pants-down innocence of the days of come-one, come-all receptivity. We have outgrown all of it. National Post © 2025 Conrad Black |
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