Thomas Mulcair promotes an odious species of 'federalism'
by Conrad Black NDP leader Thomas Mulcair spoke to University of Toronto political-science undergraduates earlier this month, and claimed to be uttering a largely non-partisan exhortation to his listeners to participate in the political process. The leader of the opposition said he was motivated by the fact that approximately 65% of Canadians between the ages of 18 and 25 did not vote in the last election. This theme was unexceptionable. But not so innocuous was his version of the political evolution of Quebec. In his January 14 speech at the University of Toronto's Convocation Hall, Mr. Mulcair started from the well-known NDP premise of the desirability of a statist, or highly dirigiste society. The more enthusiastic a person is for an interventionist and authoritarian state, the more likely that person is to favour relatively high taxes to pay for these interventions — with the resultant encroachment on individual liberties being represented as merely a reflection of collectively expressed political will. As for the fact that these interventions are usually done by executive order, under only generally enabling legislation, and are implemented by unelected and largely unaccountable officials — this is something that Mulcair left to his audience to discover as they progress down the great boulevard of life. According to Mulcair, Canada's Wheat Board — whose Western wheat and barley monopsony finally was ended after 77 years in 2012 as a superfluous and meddlesome impediment to agrarian prosperity — gave farmers "an even break," and prevented the American phenomenon Mulcair claimed to perceive of "multi-nationals taking over more farms" (a figment of his frequently verdant imagination). Mulcair also declared that "poor people don't have access to health care without universality," which is a complete falsehood: All advanced countries provide access to health care. Canada is the only one among them that has tried to ban large swathes of private medicine. These are the usual liberties with the truth that assist those who desire — and particularly those who desire to direct and impose — big government. But more troubling in Mulcair's case (and something that should be elaborated as a fundamental political issue by the other political parties) is his enthusiasm for Quebec government-mandated infringement on freedom of expression, in the cause of the cultural ambitions of French Quebecers. In his pursuit of retention of the French nationalist vote in federal elections in Quebec that his predecessor, Jack Layton, wrested from the Bloc Québécois in the 2011 federal election, Mulcair made what amounts to a pre-emptive strike against the general federalist position of the Conservatives, Liberals and (insofar as they address the issue) the Greens, which is that French and English language rights should be assured throughout Canada. In this area, Mulcair makes two false claims that are insidious and scandalously cynical. First, he credits the NDP with ending the artificial division of Quebec political allegiances along the issue of constitutional options. Second, he claims that cultural repression in Quebec is a buttress to federalism because it serves to ease French Quebec's insecurities; and that, as a result, the NDP, while it panders to separatists, in fact is the true federalist party. In service to the first claim, Mulcair makes the argument that both the sovereigntist PQ and Quebec's federalist Liberal Party are broad-tent groupings of voters reflecting a wide ideological range between socialists and conservatives. This is rubbish: Both are left-of-centre parties, and the ideological difference that exists between them is fairly subtle, consisting chiefly of the PQ's enthusiasm to turn the tax and culture screws harder on the non-French in order to accelerate the process of driving them out of Quebec (thereby making it easier to get a majority of Quebec referendum voters to lead a culturally cleansed province out of Canada). The Liberals are more restrained as almost al the non-french vote for them, and now provide most of their support. What Mulcair dismisses as an "artificial axis of sovereignty or federalism" (as between the PQ and the Liberals) is in fact the evidently principal issue of Quebec public policy. Practically all Quebecers in both parties are addicted to the overweening state that Mulcair favours for ideological reasons, especially as the primarily English-speaking provinces of Canada are paying for much of it through transfer payments, a fact that Mulcair does not acknowledge (and cannot acknowledge without alienating the Quebec nationalists whose electoral boots he is so energetically and verbosely licking). In regard to private schools that frustrate the Quebec government's policy (under both parties) of forcing the children of immigrants to attend schools where French is the language of instruction (and not just an important part of the curriculum), Mr. Mulcair claims that such private education alternations are "not helpful" — by which he apparently means "not helpful to the suppression of other languages and of parental rights." In the same vein, the NDP leader pats himself on the head and back for declaring his support for the many official restrictions on the use of English and other languages in Quebec, such as on commercial signs. Such restrictions are, in fact completely unnecessary to the preservation of the French language in Quebec, and are odious to anyone with the slightest concern for freedom of expression that is otherwise regarded as one of the cornerstones of democratic civilization. That freedom was proclaimed and assented to by all democratic countries, including Canada, in the Atlantic Charter of 1941, and was what we successfully fought for in the Second World War. Finally, Mulcair used his University of Toronto speech to claim that French Quebecers were "far more secure in 1980," when the independence referendum was won 60/40 by the federalists, than in 1995, when it was a hair's breadth margin; his point here being that securing maximum protections for the French language, and restrictions on other languages, is the best way to prevent the flourishing of separatist sentiment. But language conditions did not appreciably change in Quebec during the 15-year interregnum he describes. The real reason most Quebecers are not interested in sovereignty now is because: (1) They are addicted to over $8-billion dollars of annual transfer payments, from elsewhere in Canada, which enable them to have a low birthrate, a white-collar service economy, and have almost all the trappings of an autonomous country; (2) They recognize that English-Canadians already have made a good faith effort at conciliation, and will make no more substantial concessions; (3) Another trick referendum question promising independence with the continued benefit of Confederation won't fly; and (4) Any secession would be an economic and demographic catastrophe, leaving Quebec with Greek-level debt and several hundred thousand fewer taxpayers. Thomas Mulcair is committing the hypocrisy of groveling to French Quebec racists, while claiming to be a successful federalist. He must not be allowed to get away with this monstrous canard. Stephen Harper and (presumably) Justin Trudeau must assure that he does not. © 2025 Conrad Black |
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