Why are we afraid of constitutional reform?
by Conrad Black https://www.conradmblack.com/990/canada-constitutional-reform Following last week's Supreme Court ruling, Stephen Harper announced that Senate reform is now "off the table." Inconceivably, Mr. Harper and his so-called Democratic Reform minister, Pierre Poilievre, seem to have imagined that the power to alter or abolish the Senate resided in the federal government alone. A first-year law-school student could have told them this wasn't true after an hour's research. John A. Macdonald, George-Étienne Cartier, George Brown and the other founders of an autonomous Canada in 1867 created the only trans-continental, officially bicultural, parliamentary confederation in the history of the world. Local concerns were addressed by leaving them to the provinces, while the confederal spirit of the central government was represented in the Senate by regional divisions that depart significantly from representation by population. While constituencies in the House of Commons are supposed to be of about equal population (except for those of Prince Edward Island), and each of the other provinces has its demographic share of MPs, the Senate has neither equal representation for all (as states do in the United States Senate, regardless of population), nor representation that reflects provincial population. Instead, it has five obsolete tiers — with Ontario, Quebec, the Maritime provinces and the Western provinces all getting 24 seats, and the remaining nine divided up among Newfoundland and Labrador, and the territories. Almost everything about the Senate is now nonsense, but it was clearly a gesture toward recognizing the principle that the confederating jurisdictions were equal in authority, if not in population. The Senate was supposed to provide some safeguards for the sensibilities of smaller provinces. Since it is inconceivable that Harper did not know what the Supreme Court opinion would be (as the composition of the Senate is relevant to the provinces, they obviously must be given a part in any amending process), it is hard to avoid the conclusion that he went through this charade in order to find a respectable way of avoiding any consideration of constitutional change. This is reminiscent of his reaction when a private member moved last year to consider when the unborn achieved the rights of a person: Harper said that he was determined to avoid the issue of abortion entirely. His aversion to extremely contentious issues is understandable. But legislators, especially heads of government, are not paid to avoid inconvenience. A public-interest argument certainly can be made that some subjects are so fervently advocated by different sides that it is better for everyone to avoid them. But in general, we should also avoid just dumping such issues into the lap of the courts, which are there to interpret and apply legislation, not substitute their own judgment for that of abdicating lawmakers — despite the encouragement of judges to become social tinkerers contained in Trudeau's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Countries can live, within reason, with any plausible abortion regime, but failure to attend to the anomalies of the constitution is a more urgent matter. There are several problems with the prime minister's approach, but first I must commend him for not returning to the verbose circuses otherwise known as federal-provincial conferences. Maurice Duplessis called them "circonferences" (a conference for going around in circles) 60 years ago. And all through the Trudeau, Mulroney and Chrétien years, they were nauseating orgies of grandstanding by provincial premiers unctuously proclaiming their federalist patriotism but demanding whatever concessions Quebec wrung from Ottawa for themselves, and discordantly singing O Canada in self-praise as the proceedings mercifully ended. It was all part of the error of super-imposing over the original agreement between English and French Canada, the insane requirement for unanimous provincial adherence to everything. In this sense, Harper's refusal to revive these awful meetings was altogether positive. But at the same time, no one should imagine that we can continue indefinitely with the incomplete arrangements that emerged from Trudeau's agreement on constitutional patriation with all the provinces except Quebec, adopted in 1981, and left in partial suspense after the Meech Lake and Charlottetown failures. Something will have to be done. And the way to do it is for the federal and Quebec governments to meet secretly and if they get an agreement, invite the other provinces to join it. They would join, as it would give them greater jurisdiction than they have now. But if they don't, make the new agreement applicable to Quebec only. At least the whole country would be in an agreed constitutional relationship. Notwithstanding the terrible strains generated by the battle over the concurrent federal-provincial jurisdiction in direct taxes begun in the days of King and Duplessis, and reaching its climax in the Quebec independence referenda of 1980 and 1995, and the Clarity Act of 1999, constitutional reform, when entered into in good faith (which it never was by the separatists), can be immensely stimulating to the political morale of a country, and can yield creative and inspiriting results. (René Lévesque, remember, was about to take the "beau risque" and negotiate in good faith with Brian Mulroney when he was knifed in the back by his more radical colleagues, led by Jacques Parizeau.) The fathers of Confederation produced a country without any precedent or similar emulator in the world, even though probably 150 national constitutions have been put in place since 1867. Ours needs to be updated: It is shaggy and anomalous in places. The recent Quebec election produced a government in that province that is the most unambiguously federalist since Jean-Jacques Bertrand's in 1970. Liberal Premier Philippe Couillard would settle for a Meech Lake-type arrangement, and thereby effectively shut down the Quebec nationalists' unspeakably irritating process of trying to create a suspensive uncertainty about the durability, and therefore the legitimacy, of Canada. And so this is not the time to take the opportunity to reform Canadian federalism "off the table." Thomas Mulcair wants to abolish the Senate, and Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne (who has just called an election) seems to want to leave it as it is. I don't agree with them, but I salute them for not wanting simply to throw the subject back in the closet because it is a nuisance to deal with it. Mr. Harper should be bold: There will be a federal election in 18 months, and circumstances will change, and so may governments, but this is an opportunity now. Of course, the provinces should have some role in choosing the Supreme Court judges who demarcate federal-provincial jurisdiction, as Meech Lake provided. And we should take advantage of having a bicameral legislature to try to make the unelected part of it as distinguished as possible without enabling it to frustrate the popularly elected legislators. There are many ways to do this and no need or space to explore them here. But as far as specifics go, I am moved by my imminent reunion with the Governor General's Foot Guards, a splendid regiment of which I was once the honorary colonel, at their annual dinner, to suggest that we should dispense with the most egregious colonial heirloom of all: the governor general. The post was occupied by some extremely distinguished colonial, Commonwealth, and national figures, including Champlaiin, Frontenac, Carleton, Bagot, Elgin, Tweedsmuir, Alexander, Vanier, and Jeanne Sauvé. But it is a colonial title and a stand-in for a non-residential monarch, is now very expensive, is chosen by an officious committee (in another manifestation of Harper's aversion to inconvenience), is now mainly a post of politically correct cultural and award-dispensing patronage, and lately has been chiefly a gesture to minority representation (a worthy cause better addressed otherwise). If Mulcair wants to scorch out musty heirlooms, he should strike here; the Senate needs reform not abolition. Parliamentary judgment has been required from a neutral authority only once since 1867 — in the dissolution imbroglio of 1926, which the governor general at the time, Lord Byng, botched. (By contrast, Michaëlle Jean had no practical choice but to give Stephen Harper prorogation in 2008.) Should such matters arise again, they can be referred to the president of a reformed and elevated Senate, or even the chief justice (who is deputy governor general now anyway). The Foot Guards and Horse Guards are splendid regiments with brave traditions and should be encouraged; but the position of governor general is longing for the proverbial dust-bin of history. We have to stop hiding under the bed whenever the constitution comes up. It is a mark of great nations that they devise their own institutions, adapted to their national personalities. In this, as in all other relevant areas, Canada can do it, and should. © 2025 Conrad Black |
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